Comprehensive Guide to Routine & Specialized Blood Work (2024)

Below is a list of the services performed at our Labcorp patient service centers, which can help you select the right location nearest you. Read the descriptions and, when scheduling your next visit to a Labcorp patient service center, choose the appropriate testing service you wish to be performed. A list of services performed at each Labcorp location can be found on the Labs and Appointments results page by clicking "More" on each entry.

If you are unsure of what service you need, please consult your physician.

Comprehensive Guide to Routine & Specialized Blood Work (1)

Routinemäßige Laborarbeit

AllLabcorp patient service centers offerroutine specimen collections for adults, which can include blood work draws andurine collection. Learn more aboutwhat to expectwhen you visit a Labcorp patient service center, or obtain information aboutpreparing for your lab testing.

View routine labwork Lab Locations

Comprehensive Guide to Routine & Specialized Blood Work (2)

Blutentnahmen bei Kindern

Laboratory testing for children is a special service, which requires a special expertise. Labcorp patient service centers with this designation can perform pediatric blood collections on children aged 12 and under.

View pediatric Lab Locations

Comprehensive Guide to Routine & Specialized Blood Work (3)

COVID-19 Antibody Testing (past infection)

COVID-19 antibody test collections (blood draw) are available through our patient service centers, including Labcorp at Walgreens locations. Select 'Routine Labwork' as the service when making an appointment for the COVID-19 antibody test collection.

This type of COVID-19 test is for individuals who think they may have had COVID-19 and do not have symptoms. Note: antibody testing should not be used as the sole basis to diagnose or exclude infection.Mehr erfahren

View COVID antibody testing Lab Locations

Comprehensive Guide to Routine & Specialized Blood Work (4)

COVID-19 Swab Testing (active infection)

Select Labcorp patient service centers now offer COVID-19 PCR testing to individuals who are symptom-free and who have not been exposed to COVID-19.

If you are symptomatic or have been exposed to COVID-19, you can get a COVID-19 swab test:

  • at home usingLabcorpOnDemand*
  • at a hospital
  • at a healthcare provider’s office
  • at a healthcare provider-designated site (drive-thru or pharmacy)

Visit Labcorp OnDemand for COVID-19 swab testing

Comprehensive Guide to Routine & Specialized Blood Work (5)

COVID-19 Antigen Testing (still infected)

Labcorp patient service centersdo notcollect specimens for the COVID-19 antigen swab test, which is used for individuals who have COVID-19 symptoms or meet the testing criteria established by the CDC.

Individuals can get a COVID-19 swab tests:

  • at a hospital
  • at a healthcare provider’s office
  • at a healthcare provider-designated site (drive-thru or pharmacy)

Comprehensive Guide to Routine & Specialized Blood Work (6)

Purchase over 40 different health tests, on demand.

Labcorp makes managing your health more convenient by letting you purchase the same lab tests trusted by doctors, online.

Shop All Tests

Comprehensive Guide to Routine & Specialized Blood Work (7)

Employee Wellness with Body Measurement

At some patient service centers, Labcorp provides biometric screening, which includes height, weight, blood pressure, waist circumference, body mass index (BMI), and blood draw for wellness screening. Labcorp patient service centers with this designation offer employee wellness testing with body measurement. Please note that hours for this service vary by location.

View employee wellness Lab Locations

Comprehensive Guide to Routine & Specialized Blood Work (8)

Atemtest zum Nachweis von Helicobacter pylori

TheHelicobacter pylori(orH. Pylori) breath test is a simple and safe test used to detect an activeH. pyloriinfection. Labcorppatient service centers with this designation can perform collections for theH pyloribreath test.

View H pylori breath testing Lab Locations

Comprehensive Guide to Routine & Specialized Blood Work (9)

Employment drug testing - urine

Labcorp offers a comprehensive menu of laboratory-based and rapid substance abuse testing options designed to meet the needs of most workplace testing programs. Labcorp patient service centers with this designation have the ability to collect specimens for employment drug testing. Please note that hours for this service vary by location.

View employment drug testing Standorte

Comprehensive Guide to Routine & Specialized Blood Work (10)

Employment drug testing – oral fluid

Labcorp offers a comprehensive menu of laboratory-based and rapid substance abuse testing options designed to meet the needs of most workplace testing programs. Labcorp patient service centers with this designation have the ability to collect specimens for employment drug testing including oral fluid. Please note that hours for this service vary by location.

View employment drug testing Locations

Comprehensive Guide to Routine & Specialized Blood Work (11)

Rapid drug test - urine

This type of rapid point-of-collection testing provides on-site screening for drugs of abuse in urine with specimen validity following chain of custody protocol. Labcorp patient service centers with this designation can perform urine rapid tests for on-site drugs of abuse screening. Please note that hours for this service vary by location.

View rapid urine drug test Locations

Comprehensive Guide to Routine & Specialized Blood Work (12)

Rapid drug test – oral fluid

This type of rapid point-of-collection testing provides on-site screening for drugs of abuse in oral fluid following chain of custody protocol. Labcorp patient service centers with this designation can perform rapid tests for on-site oral fluid drugs of abuse screening. Please note that hours for this service vary by location.

View rapid oral fluid drug test Locations

Comprehensive Guide to Routine & Specialized Blood Work (13)

Saliva alcohol screen

Saliva alcohol testing provides a rapid and accurate measurement equivalent to blood alcohol content. Labcorp patient service centers with this designation can perform saliva collection for saliva alcohol testing. Please note that hours for this service vary by location.

View saliva alcohol testing Lab Locations

Comprehensive Guide to Routine & Specialized Blood Work (14)

Entnahme von Haarproben

Drug and drug metabolite(s) are incorporated into the hair matrix from the bloodstream following drug use. Hair drug testing detects drugs that are embedded in the hair. Labcorp patient service centers with this designation can perform hair collections for drugs of abuse testing. Please note that hours for this service vary by location.

View hair collection Lab Locations

Comprehensive Guide to Routine & Specialized Blood Work (2024)
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Name: Rob Wisoky

Birthday: 1994-09-30

Address: 5789 Michel Vista, West Domenic, OR 80464-9452

Phone: +97313824072371

Job: Education Orchestrator

Hobby: Lockpicking, Crocheting, Baton twirling, Video gaming, Jogging, Whittling, Model building

Introduction: My name is Rob Wisoky, I am a smiling, helpful, encouraging, zealous, energetic, faithful, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.